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Week 377: Perhaps I'm Finding my Niche

Weekly Written Review 

On Thursday, November 16th I had two auditions. I went to the first one at AFI and left. I then went to the one in Studio City and came back to the one at AFI later. I had to wait a while for the one in Studio City. There was a line of male actors. When it was finally my turn I went in said hello and handed the director my headshot. The director immediately said, "Oh you're in Snake Outta Compton." I said, yes I am. I have a lead role in it." He then said, my friend, Jen did Wardrobe for it. Then he starts talking with everyone else in the room. "Did you see the trailer? It's awesome, you got to see it." I made sure I added, "If you watch the trailer again you'll certainly recognize me." I did the audition and for some reason, they laughed out loud a few times. When the audition was over they said thank you and the director also said, "and congratulations on your role in Snake Outta Compton. It's going to be a success." Fast forward to this Sunday, I just got the call and the booking for a two-day shoot. 

It's another ridiculous horror comedy with Wayne Brady involved. In addition to that, the plot-line has zombies. I was later told that Wayne Brady himself chose me and they were still looking for my brother since the 16th. They actually chose me and found my brother on the same day they called. How crazy. What if I wasn't available? Moreover, the shoot is a trailer for a feature that's already been written. Let's see where it goes. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017 

* Spark of grind motivation...I decided to sign up for Central Casting

* Washed clothes, organized and made phone calls

* Phone call for a two-day zombie trailer booking

Monday, December 4, 2017

* In line at 5:30am for Central Casting

* Tennis...

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

* Zombie shooting day 1

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

* Zombie shooting day

* Basketball game at the YMCA. Zero points. Didn't play much and we lost.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

* Basketball...

* Audition for a credit card spokesperson. After the audition, I took a right out the building then took a left across the street and an immediate left. I kept walking down passing the building I came out of on the other side of the street. As I was walking I got eye contact with a lady and she said, "You did really great in there." There were about four or five people in the room and she was one of them. She probably left the room right after I left. Maybe she had to put money in her car meter or something. Moreover, she thought I did great in the room. She said, it's a crab shoot and you never know which way it's going to go but it was nice of her to let me know how well I did.

* Library...

* Arrived at a networking event but once I saw there was a line I decided I'm not dealing with this. So I went to Kevin Boot's house to help out with a movie screening after-party he was hosting. Initially, I preferred to be at the networking event but the universe brought me to Kevin's. I helped out taking photos. Before the party ended I ended up talking to a spiritual young man. His previous conversation with Kevin had him in tears. We talked and he ministered to me. He said he saw me traveling...Toyko, playing the guitar and the piano, he saw me playing with a little girl (I immediately thought of Kevin's daughter), sports/basketball, he saw me in a house and that I shouldn't worry about how I'm going to get it. He also said he saw me healing people. The last thing I remember him saying is that he saw me ministering to my mom. Kevin did tell him she was spiritual. I thought the prophecy was flattering. Nothing means nothing.

Friday, December 8, 2017

* Basketball

* Relaxing...

* Wide aWoke planning...

Saturday, December 9, 2017

* Lunch with Olivia

* Trader Joe's...

* Wide aWoke planning...

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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