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my best nail art as of yet!walang kokontra!

No one could contradict my statement that this is my best mani as of yet simply because it is the best one so far! If the picture doesn't justify it, the effort that i took in making each & every painstaking detail of it would.

I can't take credit for the originality of this because this is actually the original work of Misuzu Taga from Nail Up!'s Vol.44. I have a lot of respect for japanese nail artist & Taga-san is one of my most favorite nail artist! Thank you to my onee-san for sending me a copy of it! This nail art is for you!

Look at the original design compare to my work.

I really wanted to be able to make more petals & make it smaller but it's almost impossible for me to do so. As what i ranted on my facebook, i never realize that too much concentration could result in high blood pressure, muscle cramping, light-headedness,etc in just a matter of an hour!

But it's all worth it just because when i finally finished it, it looks amazing! Again, not really comparable with Taga-san's work but i did my best. Here is a close-up look of how messy everything looks.

Now, no one would dare make an assumption that this is a decal because you'll see the brush strokes & uneven color. I said that i would slap anyone who insisted that this is a nail sticker. haha!

I'm not a violent person by nature, mind you. I don't even watch boxing just because i consider it a violent activity.haha! But there was a time when someone told me how nice my "nail sticker" looks like when i was shopping before & i got really annoyed. Here is our conversation:

lady: Wow! Ang ganda naman ng nail art mo! (your nail art looks pretty)
me: Thank you po!
lady: Sticker to no? San mo binili? (this is sticker,no?where did you buy it?)
me: Hindi, ginawa ko. (no, i made it)
lady: Kaya nga, dinikit mo,diba? (yeah, you stick it on,right?)
me: Hindi, ako ang nagpinta sa kuko ko. (no, i am the one who painted it on my nails)
lady: Weh! Mukhang stickers lang o! (oh? it looks like stickers)
me: *getting annoyed already* Hindi nga, ako nga ang nagpinta. Ganito lang yan o... (No, i really did paint it. It's just like this)... *explains how to*
lady: Oo nga no! Ang galing! Posible pala yun! (yeah!that's great!that's possible!)
me: O,diba, kayang gawin sa kamay lang. (see? it's possible to do it by hand.)
lady: Pero muka pa ding sticker ha. (but it still looks like sticker)

What the?!
Can you blame me? LOL!

I started this yesterday evening & i stopped halfway just because i am already too drained. This was how it looked like halfway done. I decided to change my pinkie design this morning because i think it doesn't look good.

I woke up really early just to finish this work.
I'm mighty proud of how this looks like!

So please, walang kokontra, maganda talaga ang nail art ko!hahaha (So please, don't contradict because my nail art looks beautiful!)

By the way, i used my cheap brush for this work. See?
The price is not the factor how you should judge a product.

Hope you are having a great day, ladies!
jaa ne~!

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