I'm so beyond thankful that my blogger blog isn't considered to be less offensive compared to my
www.livejournal.com blog. I'm slightly alarmed that my
www.livejournal.com blog is more offensive than my blogger blog. Of course, there's also a possibility that I'm not the reason why
www.livejournal.com isn't available on the computer right now. There could be some other reason for
www.livejournal.com to be blocked off from the citizens of Cleveland, Ohio. Whatever the reasons may be, it's out of my hands. So I'll keep typing on this blog since there's nothing about this blog that's offensive. So here we go with another blog entry. Of course, there's also a chance that nobody is actually reading this blog entry. In that case, it won't matter what I type up since it's not likely to offend anymore. I can't offend anybody who's not actually reading. Or I could write something offensive, have nobody read it and thus make the offensive blog entry a moot point. Of course, future employers might be reading this blog entry right now and starting to wonder if I flipped my lid. In that case, I won't know how to respond to them.

While I'm trying to sort all of this out, here are some photos of the lovely and talented film actress, television actress and rock star Victoria Justice.
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