I love London. Who me? Who would have guessed! Besides all the great food, parties and events going on, I just love the city itself. The hustle, the bustle, and the buildings all coming together. I can wander round London town all day just skipping between streets aimlessly, but never pointlessly.
Now, rarely am I out of heels and swishy dresses, however even I can't pound the pavement for hours and hours in 5 inch heels, and don't get me started on this weather we are having- gone are the days of short sleeves. No, this time of year calls for sturdy boots, fur scarves and thick tights for urban exploring. But no one said dresses were off limits?
Think bodycon is strictly night time? I've found that the tight material works rather well at insulating against the cold- and who said fashion wasn't practical.
Hat- H&M (Similar)
Scarf- H&M
Dress- c/o* Chique Clothing
Jacket- Zara (Similar)
Tights- Pretty Polly at Tights Please
Boots- c/o* Barratts
One of my favourite things to do in the world is to go exploring, and discovering new places. I'm not lying when I say I probably get no more than 5 hours sleep each night, because I'm up early and out late- there's plenty of time to sleep when your dead. Just don't let the cold kill you too soon, wrap up warm; scarves on, tights on girls. We'll make this city look chic in winter.

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