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21 Best Free Valentine’s Date Ideas

The perfect Valentine’s Day date should not burn a hole in your wallet. In an age where social media pressures us to outperform other couples, it is always good to remember that Valentine’s Day is a celebration of the love of your life, independent of what you can afford or where you can get a reservation. What the two of you have is more valuable than whatever hyper-curated date you go on. With that in mind, here’s a list of 21 date ideas for Valentine’s Day that are free or extremely cheap.

Romantic Things To Do On Valentine’s Day For Free

1. Watch A Sunrise Together

You don’t need 3D glasses or recliner seats to experience one of natures’ finest spectacles. Just wake up early, go to the nearest park or hill, and enjoy nature changing its hues in the stillness of dawn. It is not only a romantic but also a spiritual experience. If you are too lazy to go out, you can also try the rooftop of your apartment. The view may be slightly different, but the profound impact remains the same. We can assure you, it won’t be crowded either.

2. Breakfast In Bed

Breakfast In Bed


For all the days that you grab breakfast in a hurry because you are in a rush, this is one day where you should not only take it easy but also make it a small but meaningful event for the two of you. You don’t have to cook anything fancy in the morning. Get everything in order the previous night and just do the bare minimum in the morning. It’s not the content that counts, but the process. Just the two of you, without a care in the world, having a slow meal in bed.

3. Watch A Performance In The Park

We can’t stress this enough. Get to a park. A couple of days before the big day, find out if any of the parks in your city are putting up any shows for Valentine’s Day. Chances are there will be performances of some kind that are open to the public. Get your picnic basket ready and head out for a day in the sun. A park is one of those places where there is little social pressure to dress up a lot, which will work in your favor. You and your partner can just relax and spend some quality time together.

4. Visit A Pet Shelter

If Valentine’s Day is all about boundless love, there’s no better place to show it than a local pet shelter. There’s a world of innocent admiration and hope waiting for you out there. And if you find a furry friend you hit it off with, you may be able to take them home. Talk about being a family! Here’s a warning though: You will end up spending more time here than you would have thought, so plan accordingly. And make sure that your partner is not allergic to any animals.

5. Cook Together

No, it’s not the time to prove to the world that you belong in the Master Chef kitchen. It’s time to cook something simple together. It is important that you involve your partner here.Don’t make them just watch as they might lose interest and start watching TV. There are tonnes of recipes for simple date-night food available online that you can prepare with easy-to-find ingredients. Moreover, the acts of chopping and mixing and tasting together are sensuous at a primal level.

6. Write A Romantic Note

Wondering who hand-writes notes these days? It is the smart, imaginative, and caring ones who get a lot in return. There’s something rustic and romantic about a handwritten note that no email or text can match. You may have to prepare a couple of days in advance though. Just make a list of all the things that you love about your partner and thank them for all the times they stood by you. You don’t have to make it sound literary or poetic. Just make it genuine. Typos and corrections are fine. While you are at it, make a small illustration or two, however clumsy it may look. They will receive it on Valentine’s Day, but they will keep going back to for years to come.

7. Go To A Museum

There’s a world of art and inspiration in your city that is, unfortunately, ignored for the most part. Take your date to a museum this Valentine’s Day and stroll around discovering new things. Entry is mostly free or reasonably priced. You don’t have to be an expert in Impressionism or Surrealism to enjoy some of mankind’s finest achievements. Even if you have never been to an art gallery before, there’s a good chance that you will be awestruck by something you find there.

8. Back-To-Back Movies

Yes, we are all experienced professionals at binge-watching and can talk non-stop about our favorite movies and shows. But when you are watching something with your partner, pick something that you both will enjoy. Our suggestion? Go for a light-hearted romantic comedy from the 90s and not some end-of-the-world action movie.

9. Go On A Hike

This is one of the cheapest ways to relax and rejuvenate while spending some quality time with your partner on Valentine’s Day. The best time to go hiking is early in the morning. Find a hike that’s not too far, not too long, and certainly not too tough. Spend some quality time together, just the two of you out in nature, and have a hot cup of coffee atop a hill or by a lake. That’s as Instagram-worthy a moment as you can think of on Valentine’s Day, and may we remind you, extremely light on the wallet too.

10. Bathe Together

Bathe Together


Take a slow bath that is less about scrubbing and more about relaxing together. Light up your bathroom with your favorite scented candles to add that special romantic vibe to your private time. Make it more sensuous with a playlist that is soft, melodic, and relaxing. Remember, less talking, more unwinding.

11. Visit A Farmer’s Market

This is a great way to both spend a chill Valentine’s Day together and give back to your community. Find out the timings of your local farmer’s market and spend Valentine’s Day there. You will be surprised by what you find there – from organic jams to homemade wine to chemical-free vegetables. More than that, you will find people who spend their entire lives nurturing food with love. This will also serve as a good way to show your partner your sensitive side.

12. Give Love Coupons

This is not just cheap – it is utterly free, deeply romantic, and has a shelf life way beyond February 14th. Make some coupons for all the romantic things that you want to do for and with your partner, like giving them a sensuous massage or having a romantic brunch at home. Do keep in mind that you are expected to honor the coupons whenever they are redeemed.

13. Work Out Together

You shouldn’t skip your workout just because it’s Valentine’s Day. In fact, you should do it together, whether at a nearby gym or at home. Put on a workout playlist and do your cardio and aerobics with your partner. Just don’t injure yourself stretching too much or lifting something heavy, as that will certainly ruin plans for later.

14. Go On A Drive

Wake up early and hit the road, blasting any of the hundreds of songs written about being in love. Don’t venture too far, just out of town to discover a quaint restaurant or a classic diner. Spend some time lazily observing the daily lives around you and the highway nearby. You can also take this opportunity to ask each other questions about stuff you have never talked about to deepen your connection.

15. Karaoke

Disadvantage? If you sound truly pathetic, there will be videos of it. Advantage? It will be really, really fun even if you sound pathetic and there are videos of it. Don’t be shy, pull your partner up on the stage, and let the world hear your special song in your special voice.

16. Tour Your city

Be a tourist in your own city because there are many places you may have considered visiting but haven’t had the time to do so. Get your partner and hop on a bus tour that’s guaranteed to be cheap, easy, and fun. It will help you discover your city in a whole new way. The museums, the landmarks, that beautiful chapel are all waiting for you to take them in. It will be a Valentine’s Day well-spent.

17. Watch A Stand-Up Comedy Show

A number of restaurants and bars have stand-up nights, and we bet you can easily find one on Valentine’s Day. Go with an open mind and support the acts as they are starting out. You will find an eclectic crowd in a casual setting, far from the formal dinners that are usually associated with Valentine’s Day. If one of the performers strikes it big later, you can always say that you watched them when they were just starting out. This is also a great way to gauge your partner’s sense of humor and what kind of comedy they enjoy. It could come in handy later when you want to make them laugh!

18. Go On A Bike Ride

There’s something nostalgic about a bike ride that few other activities can match. If you don’t own a bike, just rent a couple and go on a neighborhood exploration adventure with your loved one. Take it slow because it is not a race. Stop whenever you feel like. The important thing is that you ride together and keep talking to each other. The fresh air and exercise will make both of you feel closer than ever.

19. Watch A Sunset Together

Go for a walk on the beach and watch a sunset together. Stay away from the hawkers and the crowd, find a sweet spot just for the two of you and a bottle of wine, and keep your eyes glued to the vastness in front of you. It is impossibly romantic and supremely moving. Once you develop a taste for it, we are sure that you will keep coming back for more.

20. Play Spin-The-Bottle

Once you are done exploring your city, maybe you could *ahem* “explore” each other. Build up the excitement between you two with a classic game of spin-the-bottle and be willing to do what’s expected (or ordered) of you. Handy tip: Get enough chocolates, wine, and any other “accessories” (if you know what we mean) that you may need.

21. GoStargazing



If there’s an observatory in your city, how lucky are you! Stargazing can help you realize how special you and your loved ones are, how divine the current moment is, and how vast the unknown can be. Those minutes you spend observing the great majestic space with the love of your life by your side will stay with you for a long, long time. Words will fail to describe it, but you will come out with a new and greater sense of appreciation for life. If an observatory is not an option, a rooftop on a clear night can also do the trick. Lie down with your partner, look up, and get starstruck.

As you can see, it does not take a lot of money to spend a stunningly romantic Valentine’s Day. What it does require is intent, effort, and some planning. No matter how busy you are, you should take out some time to make the day extra special for the love of your life. Since you know your partner well, you can find an activity or two from the list above that they are sure to like. No matter what you do, remember that you don’t have to impress strangers. You only have to show your partner how much you love them.

The post 21 Best Free Valentine’s Date Ideas appeared first on STYLECRAZE.

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