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Good Friends and Dirty Martini's

Dirty Martini (14)

Life can be so dramatic sometimes. Trouble with housing (story of my life right now), meeting work deadlines, boys, and all the hoo-ha that surrounds London. Don't get me wrong, I love my life, but it can be tiring and sometimes I just want to curl up in my duvet with a big mug of tea and Corrie (What? I'm northern).

However friends don't let friends wallow in tea on their own- they let them wallow over cocktails. I might have missed Corrie, but then our gossiping could give Norris a run for his money. 

Dirty Martini (21) Dirty Martini (17)Dirty Martini (16)Dirty Martini (18)

Me, Caroline and Helen decided on Dirty Martini for some cheeky afternoon tipples, and were joined by the lovely Teffy. Although God knows what she thought of our ridiculous banter. We are sane, promise. 

Dirty Martini (22)

Dirty Martini have a ridiculously good Happy Hour. In the week its until 10pm! And Saturday until 8pm, so it would be rude to pass up their good grace.

Dirty Martini (9)

The Cherry Blossom Martini full of Gin and Cherry Herring liqueur with raspberries, lemon juice and gomme syrup... and a cute little cherry blossom on top. So so good, I could drink a couple of these back to back.

Dirty Martini (12)

The Blood Orange and Vanilla Martini with its Absolut Vanilla Vodka shaken with blood orange syrup, Crème de Cassis, lemon juice and orange juice. Tangy yet sweet.

Dirty Martini (19)

For the adventurer that was Teffy, the Mango and Chilli Martini. An Absolut Mandarin Vodka shaken with mango liqueur, fresh mango juice, lemon juice and a hint of chilli.

Dirty Martini (8) Dirty Martini (7) Dirty Martini (6)

Dirty Martini is quite a small bar, so if you can, ring up before and ask for a table. Even at 3pm when we went, they were playing good old dance tunes, and the place was packed, which made for a trouble forgetting afternoon.

Dirty Martini (3)

Apricot and Grapefruit Martini with  Peach Vodka, apricot liqueur, pink grapefruit juice and a dash of Peychaud’s Bitters. 

Dirty Martini (2)

Passion Fruit Martini. Gin with Passoa and fresh passion fruit juice, my kind of drink. 

Dirty Martini (1)

Helen had the Espresso Martini. Vodka, Kahlua, Butterscotch Schnapps and espresso. I shudder at the thought of this. Sorry, but can it actually be nice? It is a well known fact that I like my girly drinks.

Dirty Martini

We gossiped about our love lives, the pros and cons of taxi's (me and Caroline had made a London faux par by getting a taxi approximately 100 meters down the road- we swear we didn't know it was that close!) and we tried to show off our new found Cheese and Champagne knowledge. We may have stumbled when we our descriptions hit 'It tasted... cheesy'. 

Right now I am on top of the world in life. I feel like I have really achieved something, and made a life for myself down here in London. I have a fantastic job, I've been exploring the hell out of London, and have got to experience some amazing things, but it is my friends who keep me grounded and sane. 

Well you can't tell your fancy Mayfair bartender your life woes can you? Well, you can try after a couple of drinks...

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