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Domo Kun Nails

Hello there. I've been trying to get back into my simple but cute nail art again. It truly is my favourite. So I did some Domo nails, I can't say I'm a massive fan of Domo or anything. But he's cute, and that's the most important thing :)

It was so simple, of course I had to make sure everything was proportioned etc. but otherwise still simple.
Brown: Paris Collection - Mauve Melody with The Face Shop - GL112 underneath
Red: Essie - E-Nuff Is E-Nuff
Black: Lovely MeEx - Black (no name)
White: Models Own - Snow White
I originally started with The Face Shop - GL112, but realised it was way too light. It might be the only brown nail polish I like. Someone gave it to me a while ago, and I thought I'd never wear it, but I thought the same about green nail polish. It's very pretty, I realised it's pretty metallic when putting it on. The main downside is that it's a nightmare to remove but super easy to apply. I thought I might as well mention it.

Mauve Melody is probably the closest brown I have, it has a weird blue/brown shimmer. I'm not a fan but it's alright. I do like my little Domo design, cuteness for the win :)

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